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Aesthetic dentistry
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Teeth whitening
Composite veneers
Cast porcelain veneers/porcelain crowns
Gum Bleaching
Frequently Asked Questions

1. Introduction

Everyone wants to have a nice smile with beautiful white teeth. However, fluorotic teeth, (caused by too much fluoride), stained teeth and uneven teeth will all greatly affect our appearance and social image.According a research survey from the American Dental Association, 99.7% of adults think a brilliant smile is an important factor for improving others’ impressions of you. When asked which factors can most improve a smile, the common answer was teeth whitening. In the United States, cosmetic dentistry costs occupy as much as 60% of the average American’s income. Through aesthetic treatments patients can improve their self-confidence and get a beautiful, white smile.

2. Introduction of different kinds of aesthetic treatments and related cases

Varying according to different situations and patient requirements, there are numerous ways to do aesthetic treatments, including: teeth whitening, composite and porcelain veneers, and various ceramic crowns.

Teeth whitening

Using this method, different formulations of teeth whitening agents (generally hydrogen peroxide or urea peroxide) are applied directly on patients’ teeth to whiten teeth surfaces and eliminate stains. There are two methods for teeth whitening: home-whitening kits and professional teeth whitening from shanghai dental clinics. Yet both methods, even the home-whitening method, require a dentist's guidance and supervision. The advantages of teeth whitening include quick results and low costs, whereas the drawback is that it only works on teeth that are not overly discolored. Also, the bleaching process can sometimes cause soreness or allergies. Finally, teeth whitening is not a permanent solution, and requires repeated treatments in order to maintain the effect.


Using veneers is a very popular and widely accepted treatment by patients looking to improve both the coloration and shape of their teeth. It is quite suitable for patients with mild to moderate tooth discoloration. Indeed, veneers are especially suitable for patients with teeth defects, enamel hypoplasia, or mild crowding; or who have gaps between their teeth; or unsightly tooth shapes, with teeth either too small or too short. At the moment we have two types of veneer materials: one is composite and the other is porcelain.

Composite veneers

This refers to the method of attaching a thin layer of white composite resin on top of the original tooth surface using dental adhesive. The advantages of this method include moderate cost and the fact that composite veneers are more effective than teeth whitening or bleaching. Disadvantages include the need to wear a thin layer of composite material on the tooth surface permanently and the fact that composite veneers can sometimes become stained or discolored with age. Finally, the whitening effect is not quite as white or as beautiful as porcelain veneers or crowns.

Cast porcelain veneers/porcelain crowns

This method covers the original tooth surface with a layer of cast porcelain to improve the original color or shape of teeth.Using cast porcelain results in the best and most beautiful effects among aesthetic dentistry, but also its costs are among the highest.Porcelain veneers and crowns both require the original surface of the tooth to be ground slightly. Veneers require less grinding than crowns, but also the final results are not as good as crowns. Nevertheless, both porcelain veneers and crowns result in beautiful, pearly white teeth.

Porcelain Inlay

Porcelain vneer / Porcelain crown

Case A

Case B

Case C

Case D

Gum Bleaching
What is gum bleaching treatment?

Gums can become stained after years of smoking; often drinking coffee, tea or red wine; or frequent eating of certain foods with strong pigments that can easily stain teeth, such as berries. Gum bleaching treatments can help return your stained gums to their original, healthy pink state.

• What are the procedures for gum bleaching treatments?

We use a special gum bleaching material (imported from Japan by Dr. Yang) which is applied directly to the surface of the patients’ gums. Later, the surface layer of the stained gums will fall off naturally to be replaced by new pink gums.

• Is there any pain during the gum bleaching treatment?

There is almost no pain and discomfort throughout the entire course of a gum bleaching treatment. And if the patient pays attention to their oral hygiene with daily cleanings, the good effect can be maintained for two years.

• Which kinds of patients are suitable for gum bleaching treatments?

Anyone who has stained or blackened gums caused by long-term smoking, or by drinking coffee or tea frequently are suitable candidates for gum bleaching. Also, patients who have just received teeth whitening may choose to receive a gum bleaching treatment to help them have pink gums to match their newly whitened teeth.

• Success Stories

Case A:

Case B:

Case C:
As you can see, this patient had more serious symptoms, and so was required to do two courses of the treatment. (Results are shown below.)

Note: For patients with serious staining, our dentists suggest separating the treatment into two visits, once for the upper gums and once for the lower gums.


After first treatment

Final result

3. Frequently Asked Questions

1)Is there any pain when undergoing aesthetic treating?

Patients may feel some sensitivity or soreness during a teeth whitening treatment, and oral pain medication is sometimes necessary. A thin layer of the tooth’s surface needs to be ground when receiving veneers or crowns,and anesthetics are always given as the teeth preparation and crowns or veneers are applied to prevent any sensitivity. However, this kind of minor discomfort can be easily tolerated by most people.

2)Are there any risks for bad results?

With high quality veneers or crowns, there is rarely any risk, especially if the patient has good oral hygiene and good teeth cleaning habits.Some of the factors that can affect a failed prosthetic treatment include:

The patient did not undergo a periodontal treatment before receiving their prosthesis.

The dentist is not highly skilled enough.

The patient does not continue to perform regular oral hygiene properly.

In the rare case of a failure, the result will not only cause the patient to lose money, but could also damage the health of their teeth.

A perfect prosthesis

This prosthesis will not irritate the patient’s gums, and the gums look very healthy.

A bad prosthesis

A bad prosthesis may cause swollen gums and inflammation, with adverse effects ranging from the need to remove the bad prosthesis to the need to extract the entire tooth.

3)Is Aesthetic Dentistry Helpful to Tooth Health?

Aesthetic dentistry will not destroy the tooth health if the doctor has professional skills and the patients can care for their teeth well. There will be some allergy symptoms when tooth bleaching. Generally, such symptoms are reversible.

To do the veneer or all ceramic crown needs to remove 0.6-1.5mm dental tissues, but will not affect the strength of your teeth. Generally, your dental nerve will not be affected. Although there will be some allergy symptoms, they can recover.

Cosmetic dental patients should remember: choose regular and professional cosmetic dentistry team; ensure your gum is healthy and you have cleaned your teeth before cosmetic dentistry; periodontal patients can do cosmetic dentistry only after treatment to ensure stability of disease; must do care and cleaning work well after the cosmetic dentistry; do professional oral examination and teeth cleaning every 6 months.

4)What Are the Differences Between Metal Porcelain Teeth and Porcelain Teeth

The biggest difference between porcelain teeth and metal porcelain teeth is the materials of the inner crown. The material of porcelain teeth is porcelain, without any metal actually, while there is a layer of metal in the metal porcelain teeth. In comparison with porcelain teeth, the MPT will have black lines on crown edge of and it has a lower transparency. What’s more, if the bio-compatibility of the metal is not good, it will do side effects to your gum. Your gun will become dyed or dark when the metal is oxidized.

The only material used to make porcelain teeth is porcelain, which has high bio-compatibility and will not do harm to your gum to cause gum inflammation and gum discoloration. So, there is no doubt that is the best choice for people who have higher requirements for cosmetic dentistry. What’s more, the porcelain teeth have good transparency and high bio-compatibility and have no oxidation problems.

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Aesthetic Dentistry Pediatric Dentistry Tooth Fillings Tooth Decay
  Snore Stopper Fissure Sealant   Tooth Whitening

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