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Getting to Know Tooth Brush and Floss Better

Abstract: Toothbrush is used to clean the bacterium on the surface of the teeth, while tooth floss helps clean up the gaps between two teeth. Then, what are the pros and cons of tooth brush and floss?

Pros and cons of tooth brush and floss

Pros of tooth brush: We use tooth brush every day. It helps clean our teeth, freshen your breath, kill bacteria and keep our teeth from getting yellow. When using a tooth paste with fluorine, the tooth brush could also help us not getting decayed teeth. Ever since the tooth brush was born (1000 years ago in China and in 1780 in Europe), we could not imagine what it would be like if we don’t have a tooth brush.

Pros and cons of tooth brush and floss

Cons of tooth brush: First of all, our tooth brush is very easy to become a good place to breed bacteria, for its remaining food debris. It is strongly suggested by shanghai dental that we should clean up our tooth brush after every time we use it, wave them in the air to get rid of water, and put it somewhere ventilated. Secondly, a tooth brush with wiry hairs is harmful to our gums, while the package is usually made of hard plastic; it prevents us from getting the information of the softness. Shanghai dental suggests that you not buy tooth brush that is too cheap. There is a great chance that you will get one with hard hairs.

Pros and cons of tooth brush and floss

Pros about tooth floss: The appearance of the tooth floss brings a revolutionary change to tooth cleaning method. Thousands of people benefit a lot from this new tool, thus keeping themselves away from the troubles of various teeth problems that come from periodontosis. It is now widely used in advanced countries and is an essential tool for almost everyone’s life. Like washing our hands before every meal and rinse our mouth after every meal, using tooth loss to clean up our teeth becomes a necessary step gradually.

You may think that tooth loss has nothing to do with our heart, but things are not always what they look like. According to an authoritative report, the frequent use of tooth loss can avoid getting periodontitis, which, is now widely believed to be one of the reasons of getting a heart attack. Shanghai dental suggests that it is better if you use tooth loss every day. In fact, it is been pointed out that if you want an additional six years to leave, you could just use tooth loss after every meal. On the other hand, it is more helpful than toothpick. Unlike a toothpick, it could get deeper into the gaps between the two teeth and it also avoids making the gaps bigger and bigger. Unfortunately, the Chinese people are not used to use a tooth loss.

Pros and cons of tooth brush and floss

Cons of tooth floss: Under ordinary circumstances, it is safe and hygiene to use a tooth loss. But, there are some inferior tooth losses that are not that safe. They are decolorized by industrial hydrogen peroxide, and do a great harm to our human beings. Shanghai dental suggests you use regular tooth loss. Secondly, tooth loss is usually a one-time use thing. It is nonreusable, because the food debris and germs are not easy to get off, and using a tooth loss for too many times definitely does no good to you.

Plublish Date: 2014-04-02

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